10 Ways To Support Glamour Project in 2020
It seems that everything I read last month was a list. The 10 Most Influential Movies of the Decade (New York Times), The 100 Best Books Of The Year, (Time Magazine), The daily reminder of 5 Things (CNN), Best Movies of the Decade (The New Yorker) and even 20 Dog Toys That Will Make Pet Parents Happy (Bustle). With lists coming out for New Year's resolutions, I wonder is this just to point out what important happenings I might have missed or just making reading articles easier? You know, “Just the facts Mam.” That being said, I'm making my own list with which to start 2020.
Add Glamour Project as your preferred charity on Amazon. Then do as much of your shopping this year as you can on Amazon Smile. Glamour Project gets .05% of sales when Glamour Project is the designated non-profit on your Amazon shopping page. Learn more here on how to set-up your Amazon account with Glamour Project.
Use your social networks to promote, publicize and support Glamour Project. Like our Facebook page, share it with your friends list, comment on pictures from the website, tag your friends to introduce to Glamour Project, write a review. Post pictures from Glamour Project on any of the social media forums with which you engage.
Volunteer to help at a Glamour Project event. From make-up artists, hairstylists, photographers, and coordinators, a wide range of skills and talents are always needed. Not sure how you want to get involved at an event? No worries! Finding a spot to highlight your special skills will be easy just take a look at our Upcoming Events and sign up.
Support any fundraising efforts either through donations or asking people to join in. Glamour Project makes it easy to make donations via PayPal.
Sponsor your own fundraising events. Anything from neighborhood garage sales, bake sales or holiday cookie exchanges. If you feel comfortable asking for money try your own mini capital campaign by soliciting small donations of $1.00 to $10.00 per person. It adds up.
Do a makeup drive to donate new and gently used makeup, free gift samples received from store purchases, or sample sundries from hotel visits. Not sure how to set one up? Check out our article on Declutter Your Home and Donate to Glamour Project.
Raid your mother's, grandmother's or great aunt's closet for vintage hats, jewelry or fancy wardrobe accessories to be used at photoshoots. That generation really knew how to dress!
Donate designer and high-end clothing to Glamour Project where it will be recycled on online shopping sites to raise money.
When you visit your dentist, dermatologist or other medical professionals, regift any free samples they may give you. These items are used in gift bags for participants of Glamour Project.
Organize a shopping trip with friends to the dollar stores with everyone committing to buy $10.00 each of goods for gift bags given at the end of photo sessions.
Make your own list. Commit to it and become an active member of Glamour Project supporters. People give to charity because they want to assuage their guilt or feel an expectation to do so. Some give because they are asked. Others give because they want to. But the best reason to support a charity is that you can.
Check out all the ways, you can make a contribution and where to send donations.